Words of Affirmation
When you use words of affirmation to write affirmations, you are writing what is true for you right at this moment. Which words below are the most pertinent to your goal? If any of these words make you feel like you are lying, try beginning your affirmation with: "I choose..." or "I am willing..." Use affirmations that are emotionally true for you now. If you can confidently claim: "I am absolutely wealthy!" then absolutely is true for you now.
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Agree Constant Everyday For the Highest Good Here I acknowledge I affirm I allow I am I am abounding with I am aware I am willing I can I choose I create I enjoy I follow I fully accept I know I know, without a doubt, I make I own I realize I take action I trust In Every Way In this moment Let Go Right Now Today Unwavering With Everyone Yes
About Affirmations:
The key when saying, and/or reading, affirmations is to feel the feelings they portray. It can help to fully relax and know that at the core of your being, these statements are true. If they feel out of reach or you are having a hard time convincing yourself of their truth, adjust the affirmation to include the words choose, potential, or willing to make them true for you at this moment.
Also, affirmations gain their power from repetition. The more often you say them, the more they will impact your reality. Affirmations are not a one-time-event…say them once and life is perfect. Affirmations are an everyday choice, a choice we make with our thoughts and feelings. The more often you use them, the quicker you will begin to see new opportunities, engage in new healthy behaviors, and feel energized by the direction your life will be taking.
To learn more about making affirmations part of your daily routine, visit All About Affirmations. To start writing your own powerful, effective affirmations, visit Writing Affirmations.
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