List of Affirmations

Browse the list of affirmations below by topic. You will find numerous free affirmations to assist you with implementing new habits of thought and behaviors that lead to a more positive, fulfilling life. They are written to be easy to remember and incorporate into your daily routine. Adjust the phrasing as needed to most closely match the way you speak to yourself.

A few of the affirmations included have to do with releasing different types of negativity. These affirmations increase in power if while you say them you visualize what the negativity looks like and then see it flying away or decreasing and size and eventually disappearing. Use these negating affirmations to push your mind to become open toward incorporating positive affirmations.

If you would like to learn more about writing affirmations, click here.

Try experimenting with a variety of affirmation techniques
to see what method of using affirmations is most effective for you. Enjoy!

Abundance Affirmations

Acceptance Affirmations

Anxiety Affirmations

Breaking Up

Broken Heart Affirmations

Changing Careers

Confidence Affirmations

Daily Affirmations

Death and Dying

Fear of Failure

Fear of Flying


Freedom from Fear


Achieving Goals

Attitude of Gratitude

Happiness Affirmations

Affirmations for Healing

More Healing Affirmations

Healthy Relationships

Holiday Stress

Inspirational Affirmations


Law of Attraction Affirmations

Loss of a Pet


Marriage Affirmations

Millionaire Affirmations

Money Affirmations

Morning Affirmations

Motivational Affirmations


Phenomenal Woman

Positive Affirmations for Kids

Positive Self Affirmations

Positive Stress Affirmations

Powerful Affirmations

Prosperity Affirmations

Fear of Public Speaking

Quit Smoking

Self Esteem Affirmations

September 11th

Spiritual Development

Stress Management Affirmations

Fear of Success

Wealth Affirmations

Weight Loss Affirmations

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About List of Affirmations:

The key when saying, and/or reading, affirmations is to feel the feelings they portray. It can help to fully relax and know that at the core of your being, these statements are true. If they feel out of reach or you are having a hard time convincing yourself of their truth, adjust the affirmation to include the words choose, potential, or willing to make them true for you at this moment.

Also, affirmations gain their power from repetition. The more often you say them, the more they will impact your reality. Affirmations are not a one-time-event…say them once and life is perfect. Affirmations are an everyday choice, a choice we make with our thoughts and feelings. The more often you use them, the quicker you will begin to see new opportunities, engage in new healthy behaviors, and feel energized by the direction your life will be taking.

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