Mike Dooley – Notes from the Universe

Mike Dooley was one of the teachers featured on
The Secret.
For two years I have been receiving Mike’s
Notes from the Universe. They are daily personalized inspirational e-mails. I always smile when I see them in my inbox. Mike has come up with some wonderful gems that tend to be what I need to hear each day. It is very easy to sign up for
Notes from the Universe. Simply follow the link below:
Notes from the Universe by Mike Dooley
Here are my top 5 favorites:
”Starting something, Danea, is the best way to finish something.
And just doing a teeny, tiny something, today, anything, from wherever you are, is the best way to start something.
I'm not just a client, The Universe”
“Whatever it is you want, however you want to have it, no matter why you want to have it, Danea, you can have it faster if you can first be happy without it.
Sneaky, clever, foxy, wry -
The Universe”
”Learning to disassociate your dream's manifestation with the illusions that now surround you; to release one's self from the burden of figuring out the hows; to trust what can't be seen; are the high watermarks of creative enlightenment.
And, Danea, I must say, you're disassociating, releasing, and trusting like never before.
Wow -The Universe”
“Sometimes, Danea, when a tiny series of the most unpredictable events occur that otherwise make no sense at all... it's just my way of winking, and hinting that something big is about to happen.
- The Universe”
“It's not a matter of whether or not you can afford it, swing it, or handle it, Danea.It's a question of whether or not I can.
And I can. - The Universe”
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