Affirmations for Kids

Integrating affirmations for kids into your child’s life will instill a positive attitude and outlook that will serve them very well.

This is one of the most empowering gifts you can bless your child with. The affirmations you use with your child can be about noticing and focusing on the fun and joy in life or they can be targeted toward a specific belief you would like to introduce.
Click here to read more about becomming a positive parent.

I have a world’s worth of admiration for my parents for how they talked to me about my health. I was born May 6, 1979 with VATER Association, see About Danea. The first 2 years of my life were spent in and out of hospitals. My parents supported me through 10 operations during that time. My father would bring crystals for me to look at and play Mozart for me to listen to in the neonatal ICU. Before they could hold me, they would stroke my feet and head resulting in my needing less pain medication. They were teaching me the value of positive energy from my first moment alive.

The one thing that inspired them to react the way that they did to my situation was their deep belief that I had chosen this journey for my life. They became fascinated with the healing process and strength of an infant. That belief created a very different feeling than the belief that our family was being punished or that I was unlucky, a child to be pitied. Their answer to “Why did this happen?” was that “Danea chose this path and we were chosen to support her on it.” That was the belief that they passed on to me.

Over my lifetime, I have had many doctors’ appointments, a few more hospital stays and surgeries and lots of tests. Since I believe that I chose the path that I am on, rather than curse my health, I look to it for clues about my purpose and path in life. I have seen my reality as a badge of honor not something to be ashamed of. I know that this belief has served me well over the years and it is one that I plan to hold onto. I have my parents to thank for my ability to graciously and with strength do what needs to be done to maintain my health.

I cannot encourage you enough to assist your child with building supporting positive beliefs that will shape their reactions and reality. I have listed below a few ways to get started using positive thinking and affirmations for kids.

Danea Horn

  • Keep it very simple. Do not introduce your young child to all of the science and reasoning behind why positive thinking and affirmations work. I sometimes think that people get so wrapped up in the ‘why affirmations work’ that they forget to have fun and actually use affirmations. We keep trying to convince ourselves of something rather than just going out and using it. Spare your child the background and teach them the wonderful feelings of using positive language.

  • Keep it lighthearted. I know that you are probably using affirmations to change circumstances in your life. Allow your child to bask in the beauty and joy of being a child. Avoid using affirmations with them to change behavior or circumstances. You can affirm the positive that you would like to see in them, but shield them from thinking that there is something wrong – there is enough time later in life for them to wish that their reality is different.

  • Keep it fun. Use games, rhymes, songs, books and crafts to increase your family’s positive vocabulary. One game to try is to write a number of positive words down on small strips of paper. Toss the papers in a bowl. Take turns with your children drawing words and creating sentences using the word drawn.

  • Use affirmations and positive thinking yourself. Children pick up on their parents’ habits quickly. If your child sees you demonstrating a positive outlook on life, they will adopt your attitude.

  • Consciously notice and comment on the positive. Compliment others in your child’s presence. Find positive news stories on the web and share them at home, try

  • Turn off the evening and morning news. No child needs to start their day with that sort of negativity and neither do you.

  • Point out the beauty in nature to your child. Go on a fall leaf hunt, pick wildflowers, go camping, observe squirrels and birds, pick out shapes in the clouds, or watch the stars come out at night.

  • Before bedtime, go over your child’s day with them and ask them to pick three things that they are grateful for.

  • Also before bedtime, read your child an affirmation book.

  • Each evening or morning pick an affirmation to say together.

  • Be a positive parent. Encourage your child and focus on their successes and talents. Use rewards for positive behavior. Make a gratitude list each evening of what you are grateful for in your child.

  • If your child has a problem in school or other circumstance, ask them what the positive solution could be. Encourage them to think creatively and look for the potential benefits of the challenge.

  • Get these words into their vocabulary: happy, joy, fun, laugh, positive, thank you, peace, bliss, excited, abundance, success, affection, beauty, courage, discovery, curiosity, dream, goal, energy, faith, belief, family, friend, giving, kind, happy, healthy, invent, love, power, spirit, trust, truth and wonder.

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